Hello there!

The name is Muhammad Hafid Khoirul.

I'm a software engineer based in Bogor, Indonesia. Currently, I'm working as a backend engineer at Qontak.

I'm focused on backend technology right now. I'm also interested in IoT and computer vision.

Whem I'm away from keyboard, I usually play badminton 🏸 or in my backyard try to grow my own food 🍲.

Latest Blog Posts

I Remade My Portfolio Website (Again) And Here Are What I Learned

How many times I have remade my portfolio website? Maybe about 6 or 7 times. I created my first portfolio website in 2021. But, I only made it just for fun, I wanted to try various JavaScript frameworks, css frameworks, and deployment platforms. I did not really pay attention whether my portfolio website was seen by other people or not. Maybe when I made this site for the 5 times, I started to think about it seriously.

June 30, 2023



What is Go and Why I Learned It?

Ever heard about Go or Golang? Go is one of the top, loved, and demanded programming languages out there. Here are the reasons why I learned Go. Should you learn Go?

June 23, 2023




Why I decided to start a blog?

The idea of starting a blog came up when I was making my portfolio website. I was confused about the content of my portfolio website. If the content of my website were only about myself, my experiences, my projects, and tools I have used, I felt like my website would be empty. Based on my finding, there are a lot of portfolio websites that also function as a blog. But, those 2 reasons still not convince me to start a blog.

June 9, 2023



Why I Chose to Study Computer Engineering

Major selection is one of the crucial things for some people, I am one of them. I consider selecting major for my higher education is important. This is my story about the reasons why I chose to study computer engineering.

June 2, 2023




  • Backend Engineer at Qontak

    2020 - Present

    Ruby on Rails





  • Ruby on Rails
  • Ruby
  • Go
  • JavaScript
  • Python
  • Svelte


Have something to say? Ask a question or just say hi, anything! Feel free to contact me, my inbox is always open! You can contact me through one of these platforms!

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